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Posted by on Feb 22, 2021 in General, Personal Development |

I am Yellow

Free writing is a great way to let words pour out of you and discover feelings about yourself that you may not have been able to express before. One way to get started is to pick a colour – any colour – and start writing as if you are that colour.

Here’s one I wrote earlier:

I am yellow

I am yellow

Buttercup yellow

Bright and golden, like the morning sun.

And setting in the evening – the bright burst of yellow that flashes in an instant just before the red embers slowly fade in the western sky.  The last of the golden sky shower that heralds the end of a sunny day.

I am yellow.  I compliment the world, not blending into it, but adding to its beauty.

I can shine brightly, or I can rest dreamily as a pastoral creamy shad of primrose.  I can dazzle like gold, reflecting the sun back into the eyes of the world.

I sit amongst the green and absorb its energy – green feeds me from its earthy roots.  Green breathes for me, inhaling the purest air.  Green grows strong and up and carries me every higher – reaching for the sun, from where I was conceived – returning me to my nature.

I am yellow.  I brighten this world.  I am in every place.  I am the fluttering silks that wave in the oriental winds.   I am in the cotton that wraps and comforts and covers the human form.

I am yellow.  I have life and I have energy.  I have electricity.  I have movement.  I sing and I dance

I am yellow

I am alive.